We are six partner schools from six different countries in Europe - Northwest (Netherlands, Germany), Central/Eastern Europe (Poland), Southwest (Spain) and Southeast (Bulgaria and North Macedonia)
Koninklijke Scholen Gemeenschap Apeldoorn, Netherlands (our main coordinator)
KSG is a school open to all pupils, regardless of religion and cultural background. The school consist out of 1400 pupils and 186 teachers. KSG is offering secondary education, varying from mavo, up2havo, havo and (bilingual) VWO. KSG noticed students had very different knowledge, opinions and attitudes on European matters. The motivation to join this project is based on stimulating and inspiring pupils to get known with the EU and give their opinions about certain national and international situations. Several years ago, KSG was present at another European Parliament for schools, but they noticed many possible points of improvement on various aspects, encouraging them to do a similar but better project. They want to give their students a chance to get in contact with other pupils from all over Europe to discuss international matters, but they also want the participating schools and staff to benefit from the project by exchanging good practices. KSG will be both the coordinator and monitor of this project, and will be host for the pupils of the partner schools during the first event of this program. The project is well known by the management in order to guarantee its continuity in case of personel changes. Jan Carel Seffinga will be the overall coordinator of this project and maintains contact with all the partners schools. In order to keep this project running, Hanneke Brouwers is also actively involved. KSG has experience with the implementation and coordination of Erasmus+ project KA101. Over the years, KSG has valuable experience in international projects. The international aspect is embedded throughout all subjects taught at the school, so the theme is not limited to trips and exchanges. The level of English of both students and staff is excellent, and much attention is paid to European matters. Therefore, KSG is the designated school to fulfill the overall coordination task of this project.
Colegio Manuel Siurot S. Coop. And., Spain
Colegio Manueal Siurot (CMS) is located in Málaga, a European Smart City and therefore interesting for this project. The school consists out of 350 students and 29 teachers. The schools offers infant, primary and secondary (bilingual) education. All of these programs are bilingual. The school has experience with several Erasmus+ project over the last 4 years, with a focus on KA101 "Changing eminds". They can use this experience to support other members of the partnership with Erasmus+ matters. The school has a European perspective, proven by their slogan "gateway to Europe", but until now they have never had a project aimed at exchanging good practices and values. They consider themselves as a small school and therefore they are eager to learn from other foreign schools, motivating them to join this project. They want to improve their teaching skills and their learning environment for their students. Moreover, CMS aims to contribute to the education of openminded, critical and democratic citizens, regardless of origin or social status. Therefore, learning from other foreign students and schools is essential for new and valuable insights for development. Another goal of CMS is to promote cooperation with institutions within the city, and this project will be valuable in achieving this goal. CMS can contribute to this project not only with their expertise in Erasmus+, but also with their knowledge on the topics of robotics, ICT, consciousness, equality and entrepreneurship. Also, the school encourages democratic values all the way from top management to decisions in classrooms, and offers bilingual education (Spanish-English and Spanish-French) for students aged 6 to 16.
107 Primary school "Khan Krum", Bulgaria
107th primary school 'Khan Krum" (107 OU) is an municipal school situated in Sofia, in the foothills of Mount Vitosha. The total number of students in our school is 660. They are taught by 40 teachers and educators. The school organizes several extracurricular activities in the field of sciences, art, spatial orientation, cooking & healthy eating and more., which is an experience they are willing to share with other schools in this project. 107 OU wants to prepare their pupils for a successful start in life and teach them to overcome difficulties. Their motivation to join this project is to give their pupils an opportunity to share their opinions about EU matters like migration and to fulfill their ambition to become one of the EU Member States. They are also eager to increase knowledge on Ecology, ICT and Math, as well as new and innovative teaching methods. Besides, pupils will get an additional incentive to develop their social skills and learn how to cooperate with foreign pupils. The school has well established connections with local NGOs, the Municipality and with the Government of Education. They also developed good models for intensive language learning in school, and programs for lagging and gifted students, and students with special needs. They can bring in their knowledge on effectively maintaining websites, blogs and social media to this project. By joining this project, 107 OU want to share their strengths, and hopes to overcome those weak points. Their tasks and roles are well documented and clearly described within the organisation, to guarantee continuity in case the key people leave their post. 107 OU has no experience with Erasmus+ projects, but they are eager to learn from the more experienced partners.
WEB www.107ou.com
"Sv.Kliment Ohridski" High School, North Macedonia
Sv. Kliment Ohridski is located in Ohrid. It is a municipal grammar school (gymnasium) with a total of 820 students and 54 teachers. The school is ranked among the top four in the country This project will be valuable for the students because it will help students to practice their language skills and learn about the history, culture and traditions of other European countries. It will also teach them how to become a valuable member of the European Union, and learn about living in a multinational communities by accepting each other differences. The project will help motivating young people to become tolerant and active members of society; accepting European values and overcoming Euroscepticism. SKO also wants to improve their international presence, and to improve motivating elements for teaching staff. SKO has been involved in a lot of projects and activities dedicated to the topics of hate, stereotypes, peaceful conflict resolutions, and therefore can be used as an discussion partner in order to structure the content of the project. The school has experiences with Erasmus+. The school also participates in programs and projects of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Bureau for Education Development, and has strong links with local companies and institutions.
Gymnasium am Wirteltor, Germany
Gymnasium am Wirteltor (GAW) Düren is located in Düren. Currently there are about 100 teachers and 1100 pupils studying in the regular and the English-German bilingual classes. GAW has more than 30 years' experience with exchanging students. GAW has a very European vision, which is proven with an official "Prädikat Zertifizierte Europaschule in NRW" and a CertiLingua-label of Excellence, and other certificates. The school organizes yearly events where European politicians are invited, a yearly European project day, workshops about the EU and trips to Brussels. Therefore, they have specific knowledge in discussing European topics, and they have good connections with politicians which is useful for the whole project. Like KSG, GAW has also been present at other European Youth Parliaments, but they saw opportunities for improvement as well. GAW has no experience with Erasmus+ projects that improve their pupils' contacts with other European schools, which motivated them to join this project. The students are excellently prepared for the discussion of European questions and topics because the EU and the cooperation with other European countries are integral parts of the curricula of a variety of subjects. The students' ability to discuss political and social issues in English is excellent and the pupils' interest in the EU is brilliant. Other expertise this school can contribute is knowledge in the creation of successful teams in sports (tennis, football, swimming, handball), but also culture (orchestra, choir). GAW also has very good relationships with NGOs in the region, such as Greenpeace, Amnesty International, Fairtrade Germany and many more. Based on their experience with other exchange projects, GAW can share their knowledge and expertise about exchanges in order to inform the participating schools.
Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace Mistrzostwa Sportowego, Poland
Liceum Ogólnokształce Mistrzostwa Sportowego (LOMS) is located in Poznań. The school is a public boarding school that provides education and sports practices. LOMS comprises lower secondary and higher secondary education. Currently 563 students attend LOMS, and there are 47 teachers and 52 coaches, and the management and administration staff consists of 34 persons. LOMS is interested in developing strategic partnership projects with European schools in the area of human sciences, civil society, and EU issues since most students have insufficient knowledge of EU policies, they lack soft skills and seem indifferent when it comes to EU integration, EU fundamental values and democratic processes. The reason for this is that LOMS students mostly learn STEM and languages on an extended level. Although the education system reforms implemented in 2017 put less emphasis on the European collaboration of schools and force schools to promote patriotic events and actions, LOMS is interested in opening students to other European cultures, languages and attitudes. They are eager to implement subjects dedicated to migration issues in their curriculum. Being part of the Eramus+ project is the ultimate opportunity to give the students insight in European collaboration across borders and get in touch with foreign students and learn from their good practices. It is important to mention that the students will experience the involvement of other schools, and this shows them that they have a say in this project and real life. Another motivation to join this project is to gain experience in Erasmus+ and to let students and teachers practice English in settings outside of the classroom. Therefore, participating in this project creates an opportunity to develop the expertise in organizing exchanges for students.