- 27.05.2019 An Article for our 2nd YESP week in Bulgaria, in North Macedonian WEB page:
Click HERE
- 11.05.2019 Guides' training
Last preparations for Bulgarian YESP week. Our guides have a training:
- The students, who will take part in our 2nd YESP week in Sofia, Bulgaria are chosen! The topics are clear! Let's start our preparation for the 2nd YESP week.
The teachers and students work hard in our Twinspace page, in our Facebook group and fun page.
- Article for our Project in Bulgarian national newspaper web site! Bravo!
- Article for our Project in Macedonian web site! Great job!
click HERE
- Article for our Project in Dutch web site! So Happy & Proud! :)
click HERE!
- We have a WINNER! And our official project logo is:
During our 1st day in Apeldoorn (18.02.2019) for our 1st YESP week we chose our official project logo, after voting and all together!
Congratulations to our Macedonian partner and their wonderful logo :)
- Polish students prepare ourselves for our 1st YESP week!
05.02.2019 - Polish group for NL mobility visited Poznań City Council (05-02-2019) and observed the plenary session. Poznań CC Members debated on various topics including: culture, education, environment, budget. Polish student Sebastian decided to ask our CC Members a question...he is ready for our YESP week in NL!
- Official Project logo - competition!
Each partner school will prepare a child-painted logo. After voting during the first YESP meeting in Apeldoorn we will choose our official project logo! All participants together! Let's the BEST logo win!
1. Bulgarian proposal:
2. Spanish proposal:
3. Macedonian proposal:
5. Polish proposal:
4. Dutch proposal:
- Our Committees for the 1st YESP week in Apeldoorn are ready! The topics are also chosen and the discussions are in progress in our Twinspace! :)
Here you can find a lot of information about the different committees' working plans and how the teachers, involved in the projects, help to their students to find detailed information for the future discussions
- Culture and education (BG ):
2. Economic and monetary affairs (PL)
3. Foreign affairs - EU expansion and migrants (ES)
4. Employment and social affairs (MK)
- Our partners from Apeldoorn, Netherlands also choose the students, who will meet their classmates during our 1st YESP week in February 2019
- Economic and monetairy affairs (PL)
- Culture and education (BG)
- Environment, public health and food affairs & Industry, research and energy (D)
- Employment and social affairs (MK)
- Foreign affairs - EU expansion and migrants (ES)
- Women's rights and gender equality & Human rights (NL)
- Spanish school chose the students, who will participate in the meeting in Apeldoorn, (17-23.02.2019)
30.11.2018, Spanish school also chose the students, who will participate in our 1st YESP meeting. 3 Spanish boys and 8 Spanish girls will meet their classmates from Bulgaria, Poland, Germany, Netherlands and Macedonia also in our project page in Twinspace.
Welcome on board! :)
- Election day in 107 Primary school "Khan Krum" , Bulgaria
Today, November 28th, 2018, the first elections for Chairman of the student council took place at our school! All students from 5th to 7th grade had the right to vote. The voting was interesting, fun and organized according to all the rules of the election code!
- Macedonian school also chose the students, who will participate in the meeting in Apeldoorn, (17-23.02.2019)
The chosen Macedonian students created their own accounts in eTwinning for communication with their classmates from the other 5 partner-schools.
Here they are:
- Bulgarian school chose the students, who will participate in the meeting in Apeldoorn,(17-23.02.2019)
We already know who 11 students from 107 OU "Khan Krum", Bulgaria will visit our partner school in Netherlands. All candidates had to write an essay with approximately 200 - 250 words with topic "What can I change in European Union with law?". The deadline was 15th of October 2018.
The chosen students should also create and regularly use their own accounts in eTwinning for communication with their classmates from the other 5 partner-schools.
Here are our winners: