P4 OUR Third (and last) Transnational meeting in Poznan, Poland (23-24.06.2021) in Microsoft Teams Platform
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and the current travel bans, we decided that the best option was to implement P4 mobility as a virtual one, through Microsoft Teams Platform with host our partner school from Poznan, Poland. During these 2 days, the all coordinators from every partner school discussed and evaluated the project and all project activities - mobilities, dissemination, evaluation, teachers and students' work etc. We got familiar with Polish educational system. We also planned and discuss the final of the project. Getting acquainted with the experience of Polish partners in working on projects in a sports school and with the methods for encouraging students with such a profile in foreign language training. Discuss opportunities for continuing the partnership with other schools on various projects. Virtual tour in the city of Poznan and acquaintance with its sights.
More information about the agenda of the meeting:
Presentation of the meeting activities:
OUR Fourth YESP week (LTT meeting but in virtual way) in Ohrid, North Macedonia, 01-05.03.2021 / C4
For the 4th time our students met each other, our host was "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" High School, Ohrid from North Macedonia.
During this one week our teachers and students from all partner schools meet each other one more time in ZOOM platform, because of the world pandemic situation and COV-19. Despite the non-traditional conditions, our students and teachers were actively involved in the development of all project tasks and activities. Although everyone from home, everyone worked hard and had a lot of fun!
Representatives of six different European countries have united in a responsible and cohesive team!
We have proved that Erasmus is truly an adventure that everyone should enjoy at least once in their life!
This week was filled with many new experiences and happy emotions, a lot of work, but also a well-deserved break in the rare moments of relaxation.
This is the essence of Erasmus! To unite and educate! <3
CE committee day 1
CE committee day 2
CE committee day 3
CE final resolution 2021
EFA committee
EFA committee Team Building activity
EFA final resolution 2021
ESA committee day 1
ESA committee day 2
ESA committee day 3
ESA final resolution 2021
HURA committee
HURA committee day 1
HURA committee day 2
HURA committee day 3
HURA final resolution 2021
ENVIE committee day 1
ENVIE committee day 2
ENVIE committee day 3
ENVIE final resolution 2021
General assembly
Erasmus lasts for a few days but you'll miss it forever! <3
P3 Organization meeting & Evaluation of second and third YESP-events in Teams Microsoft platform on 17 Nov. 2020 in digital area
Evaluation of second and third YESP-events. We organized P3 as a video conference, because that was the original plan and because we had no other choice of the pandemic of Covid 19. The events in Málaga and Sofia were evaluated in a similar matter to previous evaluation in Germany. We also discussed the situation about pandemic and decided to make the last YESP week in North Macedonia as a virtual mobility, in the week 1st till 5th of March 2021. We had the online meeting in MS Teams! #bestteam
You can check the meeting agenda:
OUR Third YESP week (LTT meeting) in MALAGA, Spain, 07-11.10.2019 / C3
For the 3rd time our students met each other, our host was Colegio Manuel Siurot S. Coop. And., Malaga, Spain.
Erasmus Plus KA229 "Connecting schools across borders" project, 3rd YESP week, in Malaga
During this one week our teachers and students from all partner schools came together in Spain and realized the 3rd Students EU Parliament. A week filled with many new experiences and happy emotions, a lot of work, but also a well-deserved break in the rare moments of relaxation. We got familiar with the Spanish education system and their customs and culture. We also had many interesting project activities, making new friends, meeting old friends, new contacts and talks between professional colleagues.
This is the essence of Erasmus! To unite and educate! <3
Welcome ceremony, ice-breaking activities and sport, work in committees, writing the resolutions, presenting the final decisions, cultural trips and FUN!...What a busy week for our students!
Thank you to our Spanish partners for the great experience and for the well-organized week! See you soon in Macedonia!
A short video about our meeting in Malaga, prepared from our great Macedonian partners! Enjoy!
OUR Second YESP week (LTT meeting) in SOFIA, Bulgaria, 20-24.05.2019 / C2
For the second time our students met each other, our host was 107 Primary school "Khan Krum", Sofia, Bulgaria.
20.05.2019 The first day of the "Connecting schools across borders" project in Sofia
The open ceremony was held in the morning, at Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, SU, Sofia. After then we had Welcome ceremony also in 107 Primary school "Khan Krum" when we met Bulgarian students and teachers. They were prepared very well organized and interesting program - songs, dances and different performances
After then we had a school trip and lunch in the school canteen
In the afternoon, after lunch, there were organized different activities - workshops, cultural presentations, sport and ice-breaking games. For students and for their teachers there was a different program:
Ice breaking activities for all students
Sport activities for all students
Cultural presentations from each partner country for all students:
Kahoot game for all students and their teachers:
Cultural presentation about Bulgaria and Bulgarian educational system for all teachers
Workshop "How to prepare traditional Bulgarian banitsa" for all teachers
Tasting the traditional Bulgarian dishes and flavors
21.05.2019 The second day of the "Connecting schools across borders" project in Sofia
Working Mode, all day long! Discussions, debates, thoughts, drafting resolutions and so on, and so on....
22.05.2019 The third day of the "Connecting schools across borders" project in Sofia
After two very busy and hard working days the whole group needed a little relax. There is no better way for this than a cultural trip to Plov(E)div, Bulgaria
23.05.2019 The fourth day of the "Connecting schools across borders" project in Sofia
General Assembly of the European Youth School Parliament. The auditorium of Sofia University was our host! In the end of the day we also visited the University Library on the eve of May 24!
24.05.2019 The fifth day of the "Connecting schools across borders" project in Sofia
The last day of our meeting was dedicated to the national holiday of Slavic alphabet and culture 24th of May. The all participants visited the official celebration at the "St. Cyril and Methodius" National Library. We brought flowers to the monument. After then there was an organized Sofia sightseeing tour and our guides were the Bulgarian students
The resolution proposed by the Committee CE of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee FAME of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee ESA of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee HURA of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee EFA of the Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee ENVIE of The Youth European School Parliament:
Report of the 2nd YESP meeting:
OUR Second Transnational meeting in Düren, Germany (02-04.05.2019)
During these 3 days, the all coordinators from every partner school discussed and evaluated the 1st YESP meeting in Apeldoorn and the 1 st project year as well. They also made plans for the next YESP meeting in Bulgaria, as well as the tasks and plans for the next project year.
OUR first YESP week (LTT meeting) in APELDOORN, 18-22.02.2019 / C1
For the second time we met each other, our host again was Koninklijke Scholen Gemeenschap Apeldoorn (KSG Apeldoorn) in The Netherlands.
The theme of the first YESP week was 'creative thinking', with a focus on the aspect of 'tolerance', since the Netherlands is historically well known for its tolerance. During this week we strictly followed the program that we worked during our 1st TM a few months ago.
The students and their teachers worked very hard and made a wonderful job. They spend very interesting, useful and full of new emotions time with their colleagues and classmates.
They had a lots discussions, workshops, training, sports activities and culture activities.
- CLIL workshops for teachers:
2. ICT training for teachers:
3. ICT workshop teachers:
4. Workshops for students:
1. Culture and Education Committee
2. EFA Committee:
3. ENVIR Committee:
4. ESA Committee:
5. FAME working on migration:
6. HURA Committee:
GENERAL ASSEMBLY plenary session with questions, amendments and voting:
GENERAL ASSEMBLY the chairman - Mr. Carel Seffinga, the vice-chairman - Mrs. Dagmara Bajerlein, the secretary - Mrs. Petra Nepomuck and the speakers for the committees:
SPORT activities at school:
After the hard-working day a little RELAX & FUN in Apeldoorn:
- CULTURAL DAY in Amsterdam:
The resolution proposed by the Committee CE of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee FAME of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee ESA of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee HURA of The Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee EFA of the Youth European School Parliament:
The resolution proposed by the Committee ENVIE of The Youth European School Parliament
YESP_NL 21/Feb/2019 voting results:
Report of the 1st YESP meeting:
OUR First Transnational meeting in APELDOORN, The Netherlands (01-05.10.2018)
This was our first meeting with our new partners and colleagues from 6 different countries. Our host was Koninklijke Scholen Gemeenschap Apeldoorn (KSG Apeldoorn) in The Netherlands.
During this 3 - days meeting, coordinators of all the participating schools presented to discuss and fine-tune the program for the first hosting school (KSG), based on the collective agenda. In order got insight and measurements in the results of this project.
Moreover, the logistics and practical matters of the first week were discussed in this meeting. The content of the workshops was discussed, and a general outline for the other YESP-weeks was made.
You can download the report from here: